A new normal is taking place.
I think I sort of just adopted another little girl. It wasn’t really on purpose and I didn’t realize exactly what I was doing until I reflected on it later. What have I done? I’ve known Loujina for two years. We met one day when I was walking down the dusty country road outside of […]
Answer to prayer: Generator
Thanks to the Lord providing through the generosity of a handful of you who read this blog, the church and school Hope in Haiti sponsors in Nan wo, Haiti now has a quality, diesel-powered working generator! On our recent January trip to Haiti, we were able to pick one up in country and surprise some […]
Generator update: God’s provision
Thanks to the amazing generosity of some friends of Hope in Haiti, we are now able to purchase a generator to provide the electricity needed for our new well pump and the day-to-day needs of the church and school in Nan wo. Praise God for His provision! I talked with Dixie this morning and she […]
How to help a child in school this year
What would you think if you showed up for the first day of school and the teacher told you that you’d have to memorize everything on the chalkboard because there are having to do without pencils and paper? This year we have a great need for more school supplies for our Nan wo and Kawo […]
Updated Kawo Sponsor Cards in the mail!
Hope in Haiti Kawo Sponsors, It is beautiful and sunny in Seattle! I am also looking at the beautiful and sunny faces of your Hope in Haiti sponsor children in Kawo, Haiti. In a few minutes, I’ll drop them in the mail and you will receive your updated sponsor card for 2012. Hopefully you will […]
Airports, airplanes and finally HOME!
4 airports… 3 airplanes… 2 roadtrips… … and the team will be home! They hit Seattle at about 9:30 tonight and I KNOW they are ready to see family and friends and sleep in their own beds tonight! I talked to Dixie during their Chicago layover and she said things had gone just fine. No […]
The journey home-sweet-home begins
Hot, sweaty, and tired the team finally made it back to Port au Prince this afternoon. It was a long trip but uneventful with no problems or setbacks. The ride was a little different than usual as the group picked up from the orphanage in Dessalines, 2 1/2 week-old, sweet twin boys weighing no more than 5lbs. They brought […]
The final day of VBS…
The final day of VBS… … was GREAT Dixie said. There were fewer kids for various reasons but still an excellent day to finish off the week. The team completed the painting of the main room of the Upper Room. The new, light-colored paint has significantly brightened the room which becomes ‘home’ to all who travel to Haiti […]
As the sun ruses over Haiti
By 9 AM in Haiti, the sun is already sweltering …And in the farming hamlet of Nan Wo, a mile and a half outside of Dessalines, there is a flurry of activity under the morning sun rays. Women lay out their best dresses and begin doing their daughters’ hair. Men pull out there best slacks […]