4 airports… 3 airplanes… 2 roadtrips… … and the team will be home! They hit Seattle at about 9:30 tonight and I KNOW they are ready to see family and friends and sleep in their own beds tonight! I talked to Dixie during their Chicago layover and she said things had gone just fine. No […]
The journey home-sweet-home begins
Hot, sweaty, and tired the team finally made it back to Port au Prince this afternoon. It was a long trip but uneventful with no problems or setbacks. The ride was a little different than usual as the group picked up from the orphanage in Dessalines, 2 1/2 week-old, sweet twin boys weighing no more than 5lbs. They brought […]
The final day of VBS…
The final day of VBS… … was GREAT Dixie said. There were fewer kids for various reasons but still an excellent day to finish off the week. The team completed the painting of the main room of the Upper Room. The new, light-colored paint has significantly brightened the room which becomes ‘home’ to all who travel to Haiti […]
A dance off?!?
The 2nd day of VBS proved to be another great day! Dixie briefly said it was another good day of VBS. Apparently VBS ended with a dance off of all things and Aaron Day pulling out all his moves! For those of you who know him, you can especially appreciate this. His legend shall continue […]
1st day = Success
Dixie texted a short, sweet message this evening saying… The 1st day of VBS was “amazing“. Praise the Lord!! She said the teachers of the school assisted A LOT. This helped things stay much more orderly and calm than in the past. She said there weren’t quite as many kids as usual either, which I’m sure, […]
Up next: VBS and a few hundred excited, hyper kids!
The team had a good 4 hour ride up to Dessalines/ Nan wo today… Things were crowded with 13 people plus all the luggage, but it sounds like everything went smoothly. Dixie said that they visited the orphanage where she and her late husband worked from ’89-’91. They also planned and prepped for VBS which […]
A supposed box embargo and $350 later…
The team met up at Sea-Tac Airport late last night, hoping for a smooth check-in and flight to Florida… Instead of a smooth check-in however, they ran into a major hassle! The lady at the counter informed them that there is a box embargo currently on all flights into Haiti and the 13 or more […]
Sharing their limyè…
A plane takes off and, less than two short hours later lands in an entirely different world… A Hope in Haiti team left out of Seattle last night at 11:30pm! After several layovers and plane changes, they will arrive in Port au Prince at about 3:40pm today Tuesday, March 26th. Why is Dixie taking her […]
Day #10: Here they come – home sweet home!
UPDATE 9 Your Hope in Haiti team is one its way home!!! The group arrived in Port au Prince yesterday and were met with a welcome meal of Shelley Tlucek’s delicious potato soup. American food!! Guaranteed…. it was savored. 🙂 Unfortunately, some members of the team came down with what we fondly call “Haitian Happiness”. […]
Day #8: A rolled ankle, difficult hike and lots of dirt…
UPDATE 8 THEY MADE IT!!! Tony said the hike was VERY hot and VERY hard! One of the gals on the team, Victoria rolled her ankle playing soccer yesterday and so she had to ride a horse all the way down. She is sore, but just fine. Along the way, they made quick detours to […]