Tony said the hike was VERY hot and VERY hard! One of the gals on the team, Victoria rolled her ankle playing soccer yesterday and so she had to ride a horse all the way down. She is sore, but just fine. Along the way, they made quick detours to visit 2 other churches that Pastor Louinet oversees. These churches have also started schools for the local kids since there is no school anywhere within several miles that they could attend. The team was greeted by thrilled children and proud teachers!
They got back to Nan wo mid-afternoon and were able to rest and wash some dirty laundry by hand. Tony said they are extremely tired and it is very hot in the valley compared to the cool, breezy mountains. Our friend Byron will be arriving sometime tomorrow to pick up the team and drive them back to Port au Prince. They will spend a night at his house once again before flying out Wednesday morning.
Thank you for traveling this journey with our team. Thank you for supporting them with your prayers.
Just a couple more days and they will be home!
- Pray for the team tonight that they would get some much needed sleep in spite of the heat.
- Pray for a safe trip back to Port au Prince tomorrow.
- Praise the Lord for a safe hike down the mountains and the opportunity to visit the other churches and schools.
- Praise the Lord for all He accomplished in Kawo! For projects completed, for the health the team had, for relationships strengthened, for Christ’s body that exists there.
Thank you for faithfully upholding our team in prayer,
Grace, on behalf of the Hope in Haiti team
It is marvelous in our eyes!”
-Ps. 118:23
Kimberly says
Hello, my name is Kimberly and I am Victoria’s mom. If you communicate again with the group, would you please let Victoria know that I love her, am praying for her, think about her every minute of everyday and am so sorry that she hurt her ankle. Do you have anymore info about the condition of her ankle beyond her having to ride a horse down the mountain? If so and you could let me know that would be great! I have enjoyed reading about the great adventure and work this group has done on this trip. It sounds like it was god inspired and filled with many life changing moments that I cannot wait to hear about from Victoria and the rest of the group. Thank you so much for the updates, I have enjoyed reading them! Kimberly D’Angelo