The group arrived in Port au Prince yesterday and were met with a welcome meal of Shelley Tlucek’s delicious potato soup. American food!! Guaranteed…. it was savored. 🙂
Unfortunately, some members of the team came down with what we fondly call “Haitian Happiness”. Basically, upset stomachs and the runs. It’s not unusual and it usually passes pretty quickly but it’s certainly not fun while it lasts. Tony texted early this morning and said stomaches WERE calming down and everyone was feeling better. Praise the Lord.
They were up at 6:30 to pack up, grab banana bread for breakfast and get to the airport. They have a LONG day of flying back to WA today and get in late tonight.
- Pray for the team as they travel, that connections would be made and flights would be smooth
- Pray for health for all… sick on an airplane is NO fun!
- Pray for a smooth transition back to the States. After such a life-changing experience, reverse culture shock is not unusual.
- Praise the Lord for His amazing work!!
Tony specifically said this morning, “Thanks for all the prayers. We felt protected and blessed beyond measure the entire trip.”
Thank you so much for faithfully upholding our team in prayer. God has moved and worked in our team and through them, in many other lives as well. Let’s give HIM the glory.
Grace, on behalf of the Hope in Haiti team
It is marvelous in our eyes!”
-Ps. 118:23
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