Wednesday morning:
We all met up in Miami this morning to board flight to Port au Prince. A special delight for me was to unexpectedly see Asher, my son, on our same plane out of Seattle. We ate breakfast with him in Miami before he flew on to Costa Rica to do some work with YWAM.
We still have miles to go!
Wednesday night:
We arrived just after dark. We set up our rooms and went to bed early. So much to do tomorrow!
Thursday morning:
Joel didn’t have to sleep with his fan this time.. They are having a “cold front” come in right now in Haiti! It is still humid and I’m sure it will still be hot during the day but not as hot. Praise God!! (via Kathy Madson)
The medical team and I (Dixie) went to the Ebenezer Glen Orphanage down the road and set up for the free medical clinic this morning. We saw everything, from plain old aches and pains to a girl with a case of anthrax(!), And everything in between..burns fungal problems, STDs, eye problems, you name it.
All told, Dr. Tim saw about 100 patients!
Meanwhile under shade of the famous Nan Wo mango tree, Joel spoke with men and women in a group training session, then Isaac and Karen led in some teaching. Karen even did a small drama, acting out a scene of sowing pumpkin seeds! There were close to 100 people.
Though all are invited, the conference is aimed towards current and future pastors. However, we learned that there has been a problem for the pastors trying to get to the conference. Those who come by motor bike or a vehicle have been delayed because Haiti is having huge gas shortage. Joel said in Port-au-Prince there were a mass amount of motor bikes lined up at the gas stations. (Via Kathy Madson)
Thursday Afternoon:
At the clinic, Dr. Tim and his team have begun working with the kids at the orphanage as well as the general public. Dr. Tim is joined by Mike, a businessman who is there to assist Dr. Tim, as well as the two nurses, Harry and Laurel. They are a great team, taking on many cases in a short amount of time. [Go to the end of this post if you want to see some of what they saw–Warning, it wasn’t all pretty].
Thursday night:
Joel is speaking at the Crusade in town tonight about not fearing the things of this world. Please pray that eyes will be opened and hearts receptive – Dixie
Friday morning:
When we arrived this morning people had been waiting for hours outside clinic. We are slammed. Harley is helping us and everyone in getting prayed for before seeing Dr. Tim. Mike, Harry, and Laurel are hard at work too!
It’s becoming apparent that fungal infections are a much bigger problem in this area than we expected. Folks with severe cases keep coming in to see Dr. Tim and his team. [Again, no pictures yet, keep scrolling if you want to see them]
This morning Isaac and Karen acted out the parable of the Good Samaritan. It was fantastic! Joel joined them in teaching from God’s Word. They had the translators help and people from the audience participate too! I only wish I could have been there.
Friday night:
We are at kwazad (Dessalines city square) tonight. Joel is speaking about being ready for the return of the Lord Jesus, using the parable of the five virgins and their lamps. Joel implored the believers to live ready and active for Christ, and gave an invitation to those who don’t follow Jesus to begin tonight. Worship was wonderful, hearing 1000 people raising their voices to the Lord, and seeing them raising their hands and dancing for joy.
More pictures from the first two days:
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