Dear Friends,
The value of literacy and education can sometimes be lost on us, being raised in the developed world of the US and Canada. We don’t understand what a difference it makes to break free from a family pattern of illiteracy and a life of nothing but manual labor and subsistence living. It is MASSIVELY important to provide this opportunity to the precious young generation of Haitians. please read more about the obstacles our friends are facing in this effort.
Life in central Haiti’s mountains is brutal. Scarce running water. Little or no food sources. Rocky, steep terrain. Isolation and discouragement.
Like living in the mountains, education in Haiti is an uphill battle–one that becomes steeper, and more challenging as you ascend with dangers, obstacles, exposure and other seemingly uncontrollable difficulties. Education is a constant fight.
Help from the government is minimal and sporadic. Requirements for school and students serve more as a deterrent than an incentive. Political instability and popular unrest also play a role in reducing education. Children are reasonably afraid to go walking in the streets to school. All this plays into an approximate 60% drop out rate by the sixth grade
The current literacy rate in Haiti hovers around 60%.which is well below other Latin and Caribbean countries. State-run public school are few and mostly found in the major cities. Approximately 80 to 90% of all schools currently operating are non-public schools run by NGOs, such as private companies and faith-based organizations. All together, these schools in combination with few state sponsored schools only enroll 50% of Haitian children. It could be viewed as a bleak picture. Or it can be looked at as an amazing opportunity to help and serve others.
Fortunately, light still shines in a few places. Since 2007 Hope In Haiti has supported a local school run by people of the community it serves near Dessalines. Shortly after our beginnings at that school, we came along side Haitians in the rural, mountainous Kawo region to assist in establishing a second school there. Today Hope in Haiti’s schools educate and feed over 800 children in primary and secondary grades. We currently employ 85 staff and teachers, many of whom provide multiple roles. Like other schools in Haiti, our schools struggle with the issues of enrollment, facilities, supplies, staffing and funding. Additionally, we strive to set our standards high enough to meet the government testing requirements for advancement and graduation. It is a high calling!
As a small rudder can move a large ship, our efforts are changing lives. We would pray to change more and we value your help in that high calling.
Education is still valued in Haiti. You can see it when children walk many rocky miles to attend the Kawo school. You see it when children proudly come streaming into the campuses with their beautiful school uniforms. With hope for a better future, someday families won’t have to struggle to send their children at the determent of subsistence farming and desperate bartering. With a firm commitment to education, they are sending their kids to school. Do you have the same commitment?
Hope in Haiti is committed. We want you to join us.
Thank you for your support
With love and appreciation,
Hope In Haiti Board of Directors
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