Dear Friends, Christmas is coming soon, and we want to share with you how your support and prayers continue to change lives in Haiti. It’s been a difficult year for our friends, but you make such a difference!
WIlliame was 9 years old when I first met him. His father had died and his mother asked if I would take him home with me to the USA, as she wanted to leave Haiti. Williame instead ended up living with his grandmother on a dusty road not far from our school. He helped his grandmother by carrying water from the community well, which was funded by Hope in Haiti. He went to market for her and found wood for her cooking fires.
Each day he got up, put on his school uniform, and walked to his classes. Williame has always been a gentle soul and loves learning. Throughout his education he was top of his class.
When he graduated from high school he became the Fifth Grade teacher at our school. Loving the Lord, he has become a leader in his church and is a great example to young men.
I smile when I think of Williame’s story and how he has grown and become a delightful young man. He is now 22 years old, has full time work, and is supporting himself in a very difficult economy. In his world he is doing well. Becauseofyou.
Please give TODAY as we need your support more than ever before so that we can continue to provide education, food, and Biblical teaching to children such as Williame. Because of your generosity lives are being changed as you invest in children and teachers of Haiti.
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