Dear Friends,
I hope you are all well during these crazy Covid times. We’ve all had to find a new normal in wearing masks, learning how to have relationships with family and friends, and to just live life wisely. Even in this I am reminded that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He doesn’t change and our lives are in His hands.
School started once again in Haiti in August. This is a month earlier than normal as the government is trying to make up for time lost last spring due to Covid. Our schools opened only to close for another week due to armed gangs that passed through the area of Nan wo. I wonder if you can imagine what a gang is like in Haiti. This gang leader grew up in the nearby foothills of PostPiwo and roar by on their motorcycles past our school in Nan wo. They are heavily armed. Even the police are intimidated by them as they have more weapons than local law enforcement. One member of the gang was killed and one local man was killed recently. The gangs approach people and ask for money. No one is crazy enough not to give them what they ask for, only feeding their power and greed.
And yet life goes on. For our children this means walking long distances on dusty roads to gain an education and spend some time with other children playing; just being kids. For our teachers it means preparing lesson plans and being consistent in their jobs. All are wearing masks that have been sown for the school. Many people have lost their jobs due to the economy and Covid, but we are so grateful that our schools can continue because of your gifts to Hope in Haiti. Can you imagine your own child not getting an education? Unthinkable here in the United States, but so common in rural parts of Haiti. We will continue to serve and work with Pastor Louinet even though the way things look may change and we will get creative in our support with your help.
Toward the end of August Pastor Louinet hosted an eight day conference for the leaders of his 14 churches inviting in special speakers, providing meals and lodging, and on the last day inviting the community to his church. There were about 300 people who came down the steep rocky paths from the mountains to hear God’s Word and worship together. It was quite the celebration of both God and community. Pastor Louinet has been very sick since then. He went to the doctor at the hospital finding that he had typhoid, fever and stomach problems. This morning he tells me he is slowly recovering. Please pray for this man who works tirelessly for the Lord and his people.
Your continued support and prayers are much needed. Thank you and may you be richly blessed.
“Mightier than the thunder of the great waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea – the Lord on high is mighty.” Ps 93:4
Blessings always,
Dixie & TeamHope in Haiti
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