Our thanks go out to each of you for your generous gifts to Hope in Haiti providing support for the education of many children in Haiti. You not only help the students and teachers, but also their families, and actually the entire rural communities of Nan wo, Kawo, and Savanne Brüle.
Pastor Louinet just finished a four day conference with about 300 people. These pastors, farmers, teachers, and their wives followed the narrow rocky trails down from the mountains to the valley in Nan wo, along with others who packed into the back of trucks, standing room only. They look forward to this gathering all year; reuniting with friends, sleeping in school rooms, eating with each other morning and evening, six baptisms, guest speakers, and the church filled with worship.
This year things were difficult for them as Hope in Haiti was not able to fund this large event. They held the meetings in the church, borrowed money to feed the hungry crowd, and the generator which was loaned broke. But God remained faithful and the many drivers that were employed to provide transportation refused payment as did the musicians that were hired for the event, along with others. These conferences are part of their social networking and community and so very important to them. To see them working together is huge!
All the while, our students and their teachers are working away steadily at their lessons, pushing themselves to achieve and understand this changing world.
As we look at the huge impact these conferences, classes, and events have, we look to our partners to share how we can keep them underwritten with our support.
Here are some specific needs:
Money to fix the borrowed generator
Money to fix the school’s own generator which is used every day and has been broken for quite some time
A new ‘moto’ for Pastor Louinet – much needed for transportation
Commitment to monthly support for students and teachers
Money towards exams for all classes
Money toward camp in July
Thank you for your faithfulness in helping bring hope to the beautiful people of Haiti.
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
– Eph. 1:2
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