Dear Friends, Christmas is here and we are celebrating Christ’s birth and how God gave the gift of His Son, changing the world. Please read about this man with a huge heart and how he’s helping change lives too.
The Year was 1989, and our family was moving from the Pacific Northwest to a mission field called Haiti. Being new to the area and the change in logistics and resources, we needed help in constructing our home. A young man of 18 came to work for us, barely more than a boy. Yet he seemed different from his co-workers laboring in the hot Haitian sun. Louinet was honest and had a heart for the God. Our hearts were moved within us to invest in this young man’s life, even though we had come to work in an orphanage. We helped put him through Bible school and in the following years watched him become a pastor, marry a hard-working, godly woman, and begin a family.
For a number of years after moving back to the states, we didn’t see Louinet, but still kept in touch. After revisiting him in 2005, the dream of Hope in Haiti began in 2007, and we have worked closely with him ever since. We found that he works tirelessly, overseeing 14 rural churches and schools. He often rises at 3 AM greeting people on the dusty road as they begin their day. He hands out food to those in need, comforts those in grief, and is like a father to many.
I remember a time when we were climbing the rugged mountains to Kawo. Some of the children were carrying cement blocks on their heads up the steep mountain so that we could do some construction on the remote school. One little girl, perhaps 8 years old, had been struggling with her block, tears were streaming down her face. We watched as Pastor Louinet went over to her, took her block, washed her face and poured cool water over her head. Thinking that he would place the block back on her head, he instead placed it on his own and proceeded to carry it up the trail.
I have seen this man be gentle yet strict, humble yet strong, and always loving and guiding his people as a good shepherd does. God has truly blessed him with an ability and vision to work and live among the poorest of the poor with a huge heart, sacrificing often for others. He leads and serves hundreds upon hundreds of people with love, truth, and hope. Who would have thought that investing in one Haitian life so long ago would have yielded such a vast harvest! 30 years have passed since I first met Louinet and Hope in Haiti is blessed to partner with him in his work. God’s work.
Because of your generosity, lives are being changed as you invest in the children and teachers of Haiti. Please give TODAY as we need your support more than ever before so that we can continue to provide education, food, and Biblical teaching to these children.
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