Dear Friends,
We want to thank you for your continued support of our children in Haiti. This past year has been difficult. With much unrest within the country there have been demonstrations, road blocks, tear gas, the Haitian dollar falling and prices rising wildly due to economic and political turmoil. Sadly the people of Haiti have been through so much only to continue with their struggles.
In February, at the last minute we had to cancel our team trip into the mountains for sponsored child updates. It was too risky to travel and most likely would have been impossible to reach our destination. It was a difficult decision to make but in looking back it was the right thing to do. We sent money to repair the foundations of the school classrooms in the mountains of Kawo and were delighted to receive pictures back with all repairs made by the people.
In September we brought Pastor Louinet and his wife over for our fundraiser. Their trip to the Port au Prince airport should have taken about 3 hours but actually took them 11 hours with numerous rides in tap-taps (public transportation) and motos (motorcycle taxis) with police shooting tear gas into the nearby crowds and threats from others to cut off their feet if they didn’t turn around. We are thankful that God watched over them and they arrived tired but safely. Pastor opened up his heart and shared about the work he does with the group gathered to raise funds for the Savanne Brule school. While they were here, Madame Pastor cooked a Haitian meal for folks in our neighborhood, we visited and spoke at a local public school, and Madame Pastor visited a doctor in Seattle for some ongoing health issues. (She seems to be doing much better). Quickly their time with us came to an end. Returning home was also an adventure and they were delayed several days in Miami but did arrive safely by the guidance from a friend taking them on back roads to Dessalines.
Our schools continued to operate in spite of the chaos. Hope must carry on in the face of darkness and danger. Many schools in Haiti were closed, sending their children home; but we are grateful that our teachers continued to instruct their classes. Praise God for their dedication and for your commitment to stand with them!
Please continue to pray for your sponsored child and their families this coming year. Also pray that travel would open up for our teams and we could go back to visit and work with our friends again. None of this could continue without your help so we are deeply grateful for your generosity.
It is the Lord who carries us through the darkest of times.
“But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end.” – Lamentations 3:21-22
“Praise the Lord, all you nations. Praise him, all you people of the earth. For his unfailing love for us is powerful; the Lord’s faithfulness endures forever.” Psalm. 117
As we remember the birth of Christ, Hope in Haiti wants to wish each of you and your families a Merry Christmas. Keep praying, Hoping, and standing with us.
Ke Bondye beni nou. God bless you.
Dixie & Team
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