Hope in Haiti works with a man called Pastor Louinet in Haiti. He is loved by many and is literally looked up to as a father to meet many Hatians’ life needs. He oversees 14 churches, pastors and small rural schools. We who are involved in Hope in Haiti are currently involved with two of these schools, providing sponsorship programs, teacher training and much more. Pastor Louinet called me a few days ago with wonderful news. But to understand this I must give you a quick lesson on the Haitian education system.
Education in Haiti is expensive. Yes, many children do go to school–there are schools run by NGOs, private fore-profit schools, religious organizations with schools, and “public” schools. However, access to these schools comes with a price. Even in the “public” schools, there is a tuition cost that must be paid. In the last decade costs have risen significantly, making it very difficult for parents who are struggling to put food on the table. Still, parents know that education is important, so they work, sell, and call in favors to get their children a few years of school. Many enroll in school at 3 years old for preschool and continue on to 6th grade. After 6th grade they must pass a state test to continue on to Secondaire, which is equivalent to middle school. At this point, many children are not able to continue in their education due to time and expense, or the fact that they failed the test which is given in French (the national language). Many drop out and only 20% continue on into Secondaire education. After 9th grade another test is given and if passed, the child can continue on with the last 4 years of education. Haiti still has a literacy rate of 61%, lower than almost anywhere in the world.
Pastor Louinet called me a few days ago and was very excited. All of our 6th grade students at Nan wo and Kawo passed their exams. This is huge! And Lord willing, they will be continuing on in our schools for their 7th grade year. There are 46 children in our 9th grade class in Nan wo. 40 of these kids passed and will hopefully be able to continue their education, money permitting. Our schools are recognized by the government, thus putting them in a minority for the schools in the country. I am so pleased that Pastor Louinet is doing such a fantastic job. I keep reminding him that our schools can be the best schools in Haiti!
Pastor Lounet’s son Jefte recently passed his 9th grade exam and was first in his class. His daughter Lourdiami passed her final high school exam and hopefully will be heading for university somewhere. Education is highly valued by Louinet and his family. I celebrate with them.
I share all this with you so that you can also share in Pastor Louinet’s joy and success. He is incredibly grateful to each of you who have sponsored a child, given donations, traveled to Haiti as part of a team, or supported Hope in Haiti in anyway. Those of us who work with Hope in Haiti also say a huge thank you to each of you!
Our school in Nan wo goes up through 9th grade. For several years Pastor Louinet has asked me if they can include the classes for 10th-12th grades which is called Twaziem. This will increase the monthly cost of our school. Would you please pray with me about this for the quickly approaching school year? Would anyone like to commit to this extra cost on a yearly basis? Your support has meant a changed life for many of these kids. If so, please contact me through the Hope in Haiti website www.hopeinhaiti.org.
Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart. May you be richly blessed.
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