Dear friends,
After flying out of Port yesterday we all went our separate ways on different airplanes. Harley and I arrived home at 1:30 AM very tired, but thankful for the Lord’s protection throughout our travels. Today we have no power, thus I’m sitting at Starbucks to send out pictures and thank you for your prayers.
What a wonderful team of folks we had ministering in all types of different ways! I thank each one of them and ask God to bless them for their willingness to serve. I saw this team as a group of mature believers who served well. Each of them have been on mission trips throughout the world and each knows the sacrifice of serving, but continue to go and give. Bless them, Lord.
Gerry Pryor left a day early because of his bad nose bleed. He arrived safely and has been seen by his doctor and we are grateful to hear that he is well.
Joel and Gerry spoke for three nights at the Crusade. It was wonderful and powerful. About 35 people came forward to receive Christ. Your prayers meant so much, as we felt opposition to our work there. Friday night there were voodoo drums all night right next to the church and rooms where we were sleeping. It was a long night. Saturday night Gerry had such a bad nose bleed that even Dr. Tim was concerned and we were planning on getting him down that next morning early to fly out. We weren’t able to get a flight out, so it never materialized, but some of us were up much of the night. Poor Joel spoke the next morning in church and the next night at the Crusade. He is amazing!
In our medical clinics we saw 400-450 people total. The woman who had the baby die has gone home for now. I pray there are no complications. Many, many people were touched by the doctor and his helpers. Someday I would like to hold a medical clinic in the mountains as the people are even poorer in health.
I just spoke with Pastor Louinet and he says thank you for everything. We couldn’t be doing this without you and your support. My heart is full of appreciation for each of you.
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