Dixie and I are off again on a trip to Haiti. This trip feels very different because it is very different. Let me explain. Most of the trips we take are team trips, made up of 5 to 22 individuals who join up with Hope in Haiti to teach teachers, run children’s programs, provide biblical training for pastors and lay church workers both men and women, provide medical care and help with the many in physical need, and construction/repair teams who maintain and enhance school, church, and home conditions for the poorest of the poor.
This is a Dixie/Harley team…. on their way to give the directors of Ebenezer Glenn Orphanage a much needed vacation of sorts from responsibilities of the 60 plus children. You might call us substitute directors for the month of May. I hope the children aren’t as hard on this “substitute teacher” as I was in the day.
We made it to San Francisco. .. terminal 2 world’s worst sushi & noodle….. food bar
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