What can you do for the children of Haiti?
So often it’s hard for for us as North Americans, so far from the poverty of other countries, to feel useful in the fight to make an impact for the hurting world beyond our borders. We have obligations, expenses, and personal limitations holding us back. But one young man in Washington is not letting any of that stop him.
Ty is nine years old and just got back from his second trip to Haiti. Having a passion for the desperate needs of the kids he encountered on his first trip, he resolved to make a difference. But so many things need to be done in that needy country… what could he focus on? Ty decided to collect toothbrushes and toothpaste for the children of Haiti and personally give them to kids who needed them there. He shared this vision with his teacher and set a goal of 2000 toothbrushes. Imagine being able to instantly improve the health and quality of life of two thousand people!
With some organization and plenty of effort, Ty gathered a lot of toothbrushes. But he didn’t collect two thousand… Ty collected 6500 toothbrushes and many tubes of toothpaste! During his April trip to Haiti that he just returned from, Ty traveled to Dessalines and worked hard to help put on a camp for kids outside of the town in the Nan wo valley. He and the team personally gave toothbrushes out to everyone who attended! The smiles were radiant, and soon to be even brighter, thanks to Ty’s desire to make a difference and see that goal to its end.
Near the end of the trip, Pastor Louinet Gilles baptized several young believers in Christ. Like a flash, Ty was in the water, heading to Pastor Louinet. A year before at this same event, Ty had desired to proclaim his proclaim his identity in Christ and follow Him in this way, but he had wavered and held back. This time, there was no holding back in following Jesus.
So what is your vision? Could you be holding back from following Christ by not responding to the needs you see? Nine year old Ty knows that if he can make a difference in Haiti, then so could you. You don’t have to be a fourth grader to be a superstar for Hope in Haiti.
If you have a burden to help with needs in Haiti and would like to share it with our board, or if you’d like more information, please write info@hopeinhaiti.org
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