This Christmas, you can bring the story of Jesus Christ to a young Haitian child.
For a young nine-year old in rural Haiti, having a book that is all your own is a special gift in and of itself. Having a book that tells the most important message there ever was would be a God-send, literally. We are inviting you to make that possible.
Paulos Group has published a children’s story Bible in Creole that is designed to point the young reader to Christ using the exciting narratives of the Bible. This hard-covered, fully illustrated 351 page book paints the picture of Christ’s redemption, beginning with the creation story of Genesis. Using the imagery and dramatic accounts of people like Cain and Abel, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, and David, this book opens up a child’s mind to the history of the Bible, but more importantly, to the foundational truths of God’s overall redemptive story. Each of the forty-four chapters is uniquely Christ-centric, allowing the reader to see how God planned to have a relationship with us even from the beginning, overcoming our sin problem with His promised Deliverer. If you would like to browse this book in English, click here.
What really excites us is that the publishers are printing this book in Creole! With the nation’s “higher” language being French, many of the most important books in Haiti are unavailable in Haitian Creole, the common tongue. Many Haitian churches don’t even teach out of Creole Bibles, preferring to read out of the French Bible, to the confusion of the parishioners. With this book in the hands of kids (and even adults), we hope to be a part of the much needed change toward full understanding of the Gospel and the message of the Bible among our precious friends in Haiti. This is where you come in. Our Christmas wish is to provide copies of this book to all the children involved in our schools in Nan wo and Kawo, plus their friends and neighbors as well. Between now and December 31st, we would like to raise $10,000 to cover the cost of the books and their shipping to Haiti. Would you consider becoming part of that effort to give a child in Haiti the gift of understanding the message of God’s Word? If so, please write
Some anonymous friends of Hope in Haiti have pledged to match gifts up to $5,000 so that we can meet our goal of raising $10,000 for Creole children’s Bible story books. If you make your gift before December 31st, 2012, your gift will be doubled! Praise God for this opportunity.
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