The team is enroute to Port au Prince right now. Some are in Miami and some are in flight. If all goes well they will meet in Port ua Prince tonight for a team meal and meeting to discuss the following day’s travel plans. Please continue to pray for safe travels for the team, the drivers and the truck. The ride north from Port au Prince to Dessalines is a four hour rumble up the coast and inland to Nan Wo. During the day the team will pass thorough several villages and cities and the heart of Haiti’s agricultural area. The sights, sounds and smells will be an embracing welcome to those who return and an overwhelming flood to those who are in Haiti for the first time. Please pray for the power of the Holy Spirit for fall fully on each member (Dixie, Joel, Brandon, Grace, Isaac, and Ashley) opening their eyes, hearts and minds, providing encourament and meeting their needs. Lift up Joel as he prepares to preach to the people of Dessalines and the surround area. There must be something great happening as I find myself batteling with technology here at home to keep everyone posted. It appears the prince of the power of the air is fighting to keep these updates from reaching our prayers warriors. Please also pray for smoother communications. You can also get updates from Global training Network regarding Joel’s activities.
God pless you all for caring and praying. Haiti is a country mainly in darkness, but light doesn’t fear darkness it overcomes it.
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