Bonjou or Bonswa (Good morning or Good Evening)
In 46 years, I had never been outside of the U.S., not even to Mexico or Canada. But this week I – along with Dixie, Jay, Nick, Kendra, Tasha & Katie – returned from the Country of Haiti after visiting Pastor Louinet and the people that he serves in and around Nan wo; which is short trip on a dirt road about 1 ½ miles south of the former Capital of Haiti – Dessalines (also known as Marchand).
Many have asked what my experience was like and I would like to sum it all up in one word or thought, but I find that to be difficult.
As well as describe the dichotomy which exists in the lives of the people in Haiti, I hope the following will provide some clarity as to the condition of this “Third World” Nation: devastated yet maintained, beautiful yet disfigured, chaotic yet orderly, insoluble yet – there is HOPE IN HAITI!
Isolation out in Nan wo provides some insulation from the politics of Port-au-Prince, Haiti’s Capitol, but it also bars the people from much needed resources to sustain life and health. With no running water, modern sewer system or electricity – life is extremely difficult. Many people are sick with fever, malaria, pneumonia and, more recently, cholera due to the rains which wash waste from villages into the streams and surface wells that are used for irrigation, cleaning and drinking. Agriculture, which has all but collapsed in Haiti, remains the staple source for income and sustenance in Nan wo, yet many remain malnourished.
As bleak the picture, again I share – there is HOPE IN HAITI!
“What is impossible with men is possible with God.” Luke 18:27.
What appears to be an insurmountable living situation, with little or no possibilities for improvement; in fact IS full of potential and opportunity as a result of the work that the Lord is doing through Pastor Louinet and as a result of your support for HOPE IN HAITI.
The church and school in Nan wo has become the beacon of Light and the hub for support to the surrounding region. Pastor Louinet, and his team of teachers and church leaders, provides a much needed Godly vision and reinforcement to one other school in the hills of Kawo and 12 additional churches throughout the area; all with great needs and all with great potential.
Each week, several hundred children are provided nourishment for their bodies, food for their soul and development of their minds as they are fed and educated through the work and word of God. And it is impacting lives and bringing much needed transformation to the land through a changing cultural mindset (living “counter culture Christ’s way) and education of the younger generations.
At first, I must be honest; I was completely overwhelmed with the conditions in Haiti and questioned the Lord asking: Who am I, that I could be used to impact this country and make a difference for these people and for your Kingdom? Great doubt and uncertainty flooded my mind and heart! Then the Lord, who is full of compassion and assurance, reminded me of King David – a young shepherd boy who God used to slay the giant and later become king of Israel – and would write in his Psalm: LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens….When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? In the vast universe we live in, with it’s thousands of galaxies, each as crowded as our very own, who am I that God is mindful of me? That answer can be answered with one simple phrase…..I am part of God’s creation…..I am part of His design. And because I am part of His design, there is a purpose and because I am part of His creation, He will provide for my every need.
And this very Truth is the bedrock message for the people of Nan wo, from which, people have a renewed hope and a new vision for what their future can bring. Like a pebble dropped into the pond, ripples from the work in Nan wo are spreading out from its center and having an affect on all of Haiti as those who have been touched go out and spread the good news and hope found in Jesus Christ.
The work is neither complete or had its full impact. That’s where God is calling you and me to come in. Through our support, coming along side Pastor Louinet and the people of Nan wo, as insignificant as we may feel our impact may be, God is able to do immeasurably more than all we could ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us. And to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
I wish to sincerely thank you for your prayers and support while I and the team were in Haiti – they were greatly needed and felt.
I wish to challenge you to continue to pray for and support these wonderful people in this needy Nation, for they continue to struggle and depend upon us.
Specifically, pray for:
1. Resources to pay for the drilling of a new well; which will provide clean, drinkable water for several hundred in the community. (Approximately $8,000)
2. Resources to pay for the building of much needed class rooms; current buildings are insufficient and dilapidated. (Approximately $25,000)
3. Resources to provide for more meals to feed the students 5 days a week in Nan wo. (This, I believe, can be accomplished through every Child being sponsored)
Please consider, prayerfully, sponsoring a child or traveling to Haiti to provide encouragement and care. You can and will make a difference as you walk by Faith and trust in the Lord to complete a very good work. For more information, visit:
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