Dixie Montgomery, Brandon and Grace Gloor and a handfull of voluteers and NTM students are in Haiti right now. They will be there July 20 – August 8. Please remember them in prayer. This is our biggest team and longest trip yet! During our 1st week in Nan wo, they will be working alongside Pastor Louinet in putting on a camp for over 200 teens. During the 2nd week, they will be in Port au Prince assisting friends Byron & Shelley Tlucek with their Vacation Bible School which they host for several hundred kids each summer. A heartfelt thanks to many of you for the donations of yarn, needles, craft supplies, checks towards supplies, and more… we couldn’t do this without you! The team is excited for this opportunity to love and minister.
Please pray for health, safety and especially that we would take opportunities to show and speak Christ’s love as we serve so many.
Stay updated on Facebook with either Brandon Gloor or Grace Gloor’s profile or Hope in Haiti’s page.
We will post trip stories and pics when they return. Thank you for your prayers and support!!!
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