From Brandon & Grace:
As the countdown of days until we take off on our mission trip to Haiti, it seems the difficulties and dangers have increased drastically, as the sudden epidemic of cholera sweeps through the nation, and particularly Marchen Dessalines, where we will have our “base camp” for operations during the first week and a half in November.
News sources tell us that as of today, October 25th, there have already been 259 deaths and 3342 known infections. This number must also be adjusted upward for lack of reporting throughout the area. Most of these cases are right in the area of Dessalines. Pastor Louinet Giles has informed Dixie Montgomery that many people are indeed falling ill in the city. Cholera is disease contaminating water and food, and the one river that flows through the city is a very popular source of water for cooking and drinking, as well as being the main bathing area.
Please Pray:
- That the epidemic would be slowed to a halt and no more victims would die
- That the Hope in Haiti team (Grace, Brandon, Dixie, and Jay) would be spared from any health problems
- That the local church will be ready with a response
- That the schools would not be effected by the outbreak
What you can do
The four of us have an opportunity to bring timely help in this urgent matter. Because trustworthy water is scarce, we would like to help stop the spread of the epidemic by bringing in water purification tablets and filtration devices. Many camping and supply stores sell these. We would like to bring as many as we can with us to Haiti for distribution through the local clinics, church, etc.
What we are asking is that our friends in Washington and Wisconsin do whatever they can to purchase and donate one of these items and get them to us by Saturday, October 30thso that we can be sure they make it on the flight with us.
To make this happen, please contact:
In Wisconsin:
Brandon – 870.391-6317
Grace – 425-346-7806
In Washington:
Dixie Montgomery – 425.346.3307
Thank you!!!
From Dixie:
Grace called me about donations for the cholera outbreak which can be donated through HOPE in Haiti website. We will be buying iodine tablets to take with us and possibly water filters. Dessalines is one of the hardest hit towns in Haiti. I hear the hospital is overflowing. Louinet and his wife called tonight, but the phone connection went dead after a few minutes. We are leaving in a week and need prayers.
Read Up! Check out these links…
Cholera news updates:
Where to buy filtration and purification products:
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