Dearest friends,
What a fun night we had at our first auction! The desserts were yummy and what terrific items were donated! From a live turkey to a tour and dinner at a winery – it was all fantastic! I really, really appreciate everyone’s support andthe money raised has already been sent to continue construction on the school in the rural valley of Nan Wo. Thank you, thank you.
Tonight one of my daughters and I have been packing boxes for ourupcoming trip to Haiti. There willbe twelve of us and once again weare about to set out for anincredible adventure. Updatingchildren’s information, takingpictures and documenting progressof the school will all be part of ourwork. We will assist with thecontinued construction of the newchurch/school building, which Ihear is coming along and is beautiful. Also, I hope to spendsome time with Dr. Joseph – aHaitian doctor that I met lastspring and hope to work with onfuture trips. And of course westay at an orphanage and playwith the kids there. I know ourtime will be full.“Show me your ways, O Lord,teach me your paths; guide me inyour truth and teach me, for youare God my Savior, and my hopeis in you all day long.” Ps. 25:4,5There verses have stood out to methese past few weeks. We go toserve those in Haiti, not in ourown strength, but in the name ofJesus. We get tired, hungry, andsweaty. We are stretched beyondwhat little strength we think wehave, but we know we aretouching lives in a way thatchanges people and communities.I am so grateful to be a part of all this and for your continuedsupport and prayers. If you couldonly see the children’s faces andhear their singing. If you couldtalk to a parent and listen to themexpress their gratefulness. I lookat the church/schools that wehave been building and know thatwithout your generous giving,these wouldn’t exist. Thesepeople are so very thankful andask me to express that to you.How do I convey theirgratefulness? They know you aresacrificing in your giving; theyknow our teams come and havetraveled thousands of miles andare tired; and they greet us withtheir bright uniforms, smiles andlaughter. So may we continue inthis truth and love well.
Again, I thank you.
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