Bonswa! This past month has been a whirlwind for me with a championship horse show in Idaho, the wedding of my wonderful daughter and now a trip with a small team to Haiti. These are in addition to the daily tasks of home-schooling four teenagers, laundry, and keeping the house together. I thank everyone who is apart of my life and makes this possible.
I have kept in constant touch with Pastor Louinet and am excited to visit him and his people once again. It’s time to begin practicing my Creole again! We will be staying at the guest house (our former home) in Ebeneezer Glen Orphanage and possibly helping them out too. They have been given truck loads of food and have been feeding 700 people two meals a day plus their own at the orphanage since Hurricane Hanna struck last month. John Montgomery will be coming with us again and will be staying one week longer than the rest of us, helping in any way he can. The people love him and are always asking for him. The people have rebuilt the school (poles and palm fronds), so school is up and runn
ing once more.
I want to thank each of you for not only continuing in your support of your child (children), but for the extra gifts that you have given in this needed time. I wish I could convey how very grateful we at HOPE in Haiti are and how appreciative the Haitian people are. Also thank you for the school supplies that you have given, the dresses sewn by several women, the string-backpacks for each child with the HOPE in Haiti logo, the soccer balls given by VBS kids, and so much more. What a privilege to be a part of this work!
We would love your prayers as we head out on another adventure. “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” 2 Cor. 10:3,4 Haiti is dark spiritually, but may the Lord continue to shine through his people and be a light for all to see. We are his hands and feet. Thank you once again for each prayer and each gift. We go as an expression of your love next week.
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