It is hard to believe that HOPE in Haiti began a year ago. We would like to thank each of your for your partnership whether you are a prayer partner, sponsor, donor or a combination of these important partners. It is because of you that positive things are happening in the lives of the children of Kawo and Nanwo in Haiti.
As we mark this one year anniversary it is a good time to remember the annual sponsorship commitments made. It is our hope that the monthly newsletter serves as a reminder for all sponsors, whether monthly, quarterly or annual of your commitment to send in your sponsorship. We realize that it is easy to overlook annual commitments if we are not reminded that it has indeed been a year! Your support has made a dramatic difference in the lives of children. If you have any questions about the status of your sponsorship, please send an email. I would be happy to answer your questions. It is our hope that you will continue to support this ministry for it is because of people like you that world is being changed in a positive way and the love of Christ is extended to the poorest of the poor.
Thank you for opening and reading this month’s message from Dixie. Thank you also for your continued prayer and financial support. Without you the needs would go unmet.
(From Dixie) Dear Friends,
I wonder how many of you noticed that I didn’t get a letter out last month. Maybe you didn’t notice….. I actually wrote one, but things got a little complicated and soon time had passed and it never reached you all. As I was reading over it, I decided it really wasn’t conveying what is on my heart currently, so I will begin again.
First, I would like to thank each of you for praying for Medley Joseph, the little girl who was in the car accident. I just heard that she is now home and doing better. How amazing that we can pray for a particular child and her family so far away and know that the Lord is close to them. Also thank you for being so faithful in your support. It is so much more than just supporting a child – enabling him or her to go to school. You are supporting families. You are giving parents the privilege of seeing their children learn and grow in knowledge. You are giving parents hope for their children. These parents do not have the ability to pay for education for their kids and you are giving them that honor. What parent doesn’t want the best for their child? Thank you for reaching out to many families and standing with them. You will be remembered for years to come.
Just as your children are finishing school for the year, so they are in Haiti. They are on the same school year as we are, beginning in September and ending in June. I’m sure they are looking forward to summer break also. But they will be busy helping their families gather wood to make charcoal, carrying water for daily use, helping in the fields with the crops, and selling small amounts of vegetables. I’m sure they will find time for soccer – locally known as “football”. In August Pastor Louinet is organizing a camp for all the kids from both the valley and mountain schools. They will have a speaker, games, good food and lots of fun. What a treat for these kids as they walk from miles around to participate in something they’ve never been able to do before!
Hope in Haiti has been up and running for one year now. I want to thank each of you who have been involved. Thank you for your gifts. We still need many more sponsors and ask your help in spreading the word. At times it seems we’re up against an impossible task, but when I look into the faces of these kids, I know that we serve an amazing God who does amazing things. May he open our eyes to see more clearly. May we continue to show our love for him by having his heart for the poor and needy.
We are planning a trip in October, so those that are interested in going, please contact me and we will begin putting a team together. Blessings to each of you. Bondye beni ou anpil.
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